
Vendor and Entertainment Applications

We are excited to announce that applications for the 56th Whole Earth Festival are now open! Keep an eye on our website and social media in the coming months for updates. You can also stay updated with our email list.

Apply Now!

Applications are now open for various participation opportunities at the 56th Whole Earth Festival! Below are the different application categories:

Entertainment Application

Calling all musicians, performers, and artists! (Application is now closed)

Craft Application

Are you a creator of handmade goods? (Application is now closed)

Food Application

We are seeking delicious and sustainable food vendors to serve our festival attendees. (Application is now closed)

Experiential Application

If you offer interactive experiences, workshops, or demonstrations, this is the application for you. Application is due March 31st.

Service Booths Application

Nonprofits and community organizations can apply to engage with festival-goers and share their mission. (Application is now closed)

Education Space Application

Educators and activists, apply to host engaging discussions and learning opportunities. Apply for a booth or as a speaker here by March 28th.

Dance Stage Application

If you are a dancer or dance group, apply to perform on our dedicated dance stage! (Application is now closed)

Arts Application

We are now accepting submissions for our art exhibition, themed "Bird’s Eye." Artists of all mediums—including painting, sculpture, creative writing, film, fiber arts, photography, and performance art—are encouraged to apply. Submit your work by March 31th at 11:59 pm using the following form: Art Submission Form.

Stay tuned for updates, and we can't wait to celebrate with you at the 56th Whole Earth Festival!