Craft Vendor Application

2023 Application for Craft Booths

Whole Earth Festival Crafts Booths applications are open now!
Handmade-by-me crafters and artists are wanted for the 2023 WHOLE EARTH FESTIVAL (May 12-14). This three-day event draws over 20,000 visitors to celebrate Spring and learn from each other. WEF is supported primarily by offering booth spaces to makers to sell their wares.
If two crafters want to share one booth, you will need to apply with ONE application (only one contact) for both of you. You will be treated as partners for this festival and will need to coordinate between yourselves as to who is doing what.
Continue filling out this application if you are ready to now.
  • Before beginning, please read and agree to these TERMS AND CONDITIONS

    1. All of the goods that I will sell at WEF will be handmade by me, my partner, my parents, or my children.
    2. I will not participate in cultural appropriation. Specifically, I will not sell objects which hold religious or cultural significance of which I am not a part of (e.g. dream catchers, sage smudge bundles, eagle feathers, headdresses, bindi marks, rosaries, religious garb, etc.); I will not pretend to be of some culture that I am not; I will not in any way denigrate anyone's heritage.
    3. I will respect the non-violent philosophy of the Whole Earth Festival. I will be honest in my dealing with people in the WEF community.
    4. I agree to open my booth on time (NOON on Friday, 10 AM on Saturday and Sunday) and stay open until 6 PM daily.
    5. I will not sell (or encourage) weapons or marijuana or CBD or drug paraphernalia at WEF. I will not use lead in items that are meant for food.
    6. I understand that should it rain during the festival I will not receive a refund. I understand that if for any reason I cancel or fail to appear, I will not receive a refund.
    7. I will abide by the policies of the University of California including fire codes, parking, and insurance regulations.
    8. I will not park a vehicle at the Quad except while actively loading or unloading. I will remove my vehicle before setting up.
    9. I will not have any fire in my booth space. I will not put any objects in the safety/fire lanes between booths.
    10. I will not sublet my booth space; nor sell someone else's work.
    11. If I sell any products not included on the product list in my application, I understand I will be asked to remove those items and that I may be asked to leave the festival without refund; and that I may also be banned from future Festivals.
    12. If I break any of these conditions, I understand I may be asked to leave (without refund) and/or be banned from future participation.

Business Contact (before event)

Owner's Name
(If this company has a partner with a different name or more than one owner, please list the rest in the "Additional Notes" field at the bottom.)
Mailing Address*

On-Site Contact (during event)

Business Details

If you sell your goods online, please enter the full URL -- which begins with http:// or https://

(whether or not they will be at WEF) (If you hire a company instead of individuals; list that later, with manufactured items.)

Event Details

Previous Involvement

You will be charged the booth fee when we approve your booth AFTER jurying. Applications will close on February 28, and jurying results will be out no later than the first week of March. Please be patient and thank you!

Do you have particularly heavy items to unload? Please explain. (We have a limited number of booths along the sides, and will take handicaps and difficulties into account in assigning those booths.)

This is a request, not a guarantee. (If you were at WEF last year, please say if you liked that location or want to move.) If you need a quieter location, please let us know.

Crafts Information

WEF strives to ensure that it is as zero waste as possible and that products that are being sold are ethically and sustainably sourced. We will prioritize those vendors who are able to help us achieve this.

What TYPE work do you do? (examples: jewelry, clothing, body products, painting, ceramics, ...) No details here, just a general category.
Materials used in making your items ...*
You are only permitted to sell finished items YOU (or your partner/child) have worked on personally. However, there are times when you might buy BLANKS to decorate or other manufactured items to use as basic materials (such as findings, trinkets, polished stones, recycled garments). Or you might hire out for some services (such as printing, packaging, ironing). Anything someone else has already worked on or does for you must be checked here.
Please CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. Additional explanation may be made in the next field.
substrates to make art on
If you have employees or hire services, what does each do?
You are only permitted to sell finished items YOU (or your partner/child) have worked on personally. However, there are times when you might hire out for some services (such as printing, packaging, ironing). Anything someone else does for you must be checked here.
Please CHECK ALL THAT APPLY and explain in the next field.
Please be specific about each: such as; local printshop makes my art cards, web company X manages our website, Mary does packing and shipping.

Image of YOU working and selling (both are required)- (jpg,jpeg,gif,png,pdf)

(1) Include yourself in your studio/workspace with your tools, supplies, partially-done item, etc. (If partners, send picture of each one working.)
(2) Show what your booth looks like.
(These will not be published.)
  • Show us that you do your own work ...
    Everyone MUST include an image of yourself in your workspace or studio with your tools, supplies, and a work in progress.
    Since each seller MUST make or decorate the items they sell, we want to see what you do and where you do it. Applicants will NOT be considered without this info.
    (This should not be a formal portrait, just recognizably YOU in work mode. If no one else can take your picture, a selfie in front of your tools/supplies/project will do. We will not publish this image.)

    Maximum size of 125 MB.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
(If you have never had a booth before, use a photo showing your work displayed somewhere. We want to see everything you sell.)
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.

Images of Your Goods - (jpg,jpeg,gif,png,pdf)

  • WEF booths have on sale ONLY hand-crafted items made by the artisans who are doing the selling. Please only offer things YOU have made or decorated.
    (Only finished works please, you may not sell supplies or raw materials.)

    We greatly appreciate your honesty. Any items not listed in your application and found displayed for sale may result in your dismissal from WEF without refund and/or being barred from future festivals.

    Please be somewhat specific.
    "Clothing" is too broad. Better would be "shawls made from fabric I wove" or "pants & tops I sewed from organic cotton fabric from india" or "tie-dying onto purchased white tees, dresses, shirts, hats, and scarves" or "blockprinting onto premade canvas market bags".
    "Jewelry" is too broad. Better would be: "cast silver rings and cast pendants on hand-made chain" or "bracelets made from glass beads and metal wire" or "bracelets made from manufactured charms and purchased chain".
    You might sell "fused glass art pieces" or "wooden puzzles" or "leather sandals" or "stained glass hangings" or "mosaic on rocks" or "scrubbers made by felting over home-made soap using purchased wool" or "gourds decorated by burning, cutting, or painting" or "original acrylic paintings on canvas, commercially framed reprints of them, & art cards on paper" or "hand-built clay sculpture and wheel-thrown glazed clay dishes".

Please upload images of examples of items you will be selling at the event. Please attach at least 5 images. (Only JPG, GIF, and PNG files accepted. The maximum image size this form will allow is 125 MB.)

If you have trouble attaching files (or wish to send more images), you may send them separately in an email to

Unless you note the the "Additional Notes" that you do NOT want your product images included, some of these may be used in our online publicity.

One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, mp4, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.

If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter, what would it be called?

Official Documents to be sent later

NO NEED to send documents at this time; they can wait until you are accepted.

(1) Because WEF is held at the University, which is not within the City limits, a Davis business license is not required.

(2) GENERAL LIABILITY insurance --
Please make sure it fulfills the following:
1. Covers a minimum of $1,000,000 per incident.
2. $2,000,000 general aggregate.
3. "Regents of the University of California" are listed as "additionally insured".
4. The policy date covers the dates of WEF (12-14 May 2023).
If you are accepted, we will send you more details about ways to get this insurance if you don't already have some.

The university now requires auto insurance of $1,000,000 (1M) in order for vendors to drive in to the Quad area. Vendors with $1M vehicle liability insurance will be allowed to enter the quad area every day. (Specific gate times are set by WEF's Parking.)
HOWEVER: Again this year we have secured an agreement that as long as the vendor has auto insurance to the minimum of $100K/$300K coverage, they can drive in to the Quad area after 6 PM on THURSDAY to unload and SUNDAY evening to load out; but they will NOT be allowed to drive to the Quad area at any other time.
NOTE: Some insurance agents may sell you a temporary $1,000,000 policy or an "umbrella" for your existing insurance. We suggest you contact your existing agent to inquire.
If you will not be driving in to the Quad area at all, you can ignore this section and we will not care how much your coverage is.

Any vendors who have employees (whether working at WEF or not) need to provide a certification of Workers' Compensation Insurance. (If you provided a W-2 to your volunteers/members, the volunteers/members are considered employees.)
If you do not have employees at all, you must fill out an "Exemption from Workers' Compensation" form. (Details on how to do that will be sent with your application confirmation. This is the same form as last time, we just need current dates.)
Use this field to note anything else we should know about you -- including additional names of partners or other contacts for your company -- or if you want to not allow product images you submitted to be used to promote WEF.
If you wholesale, please explain how that works if you, personally, make all your items.

Note: Any QUESTIONS you have should be sent to us at and NOT put here.

If there is a problem on your application, you will see an error message and the app form will re-appear with the problem fields highlighted. Correct the problems and re-submit. If the problem remains, write to for help. (Include your phone number so someone can call and assist you.)

When an application is successfully submitted, there will be an automated message sent to your eddress with a copy of your submission. (Check your spam folder if you don't see it in your inbox.) CAUTION: If you never get that email, your application was NOT received by us and you have NOT actually applied and WE DON'T KNOW YOU TRIED! You MUST PAY the Application Fee of $45 BEFORE WE WILL CONSIDER THIS APPLICATION.

What happens next?
Once Applications have close at the end of February, we will be "jurying" (reviewing each application) and hope to send out emails around the 10th of March.
If you are accepted, you will get an "Invitation" email which includes instructions about paying your booth fee and completing your paperwork -- which must be completed by 10 April. If you do not get in, we will send you that notice at least by then (or perhaps sooner).