Education Booth Application

2023 Application for Education Booths

Thank you for choosing to be an Educator at the Whole Earth Festival!

Education is central to WEF's mission of sustainability, art, music, food, and holistic well-being. We are also drawing awareness of cultural appropriation and racism and their impacts on communities and the environment. It is important to respect and recognize the significance of cultural traditions, items, and customs. Thank you for applying to enrich our Festival with your knowledge. It is through knowledge that we are all empowered.

The Education Booths will be along Centennial Walkway on the UC Davis Quad. Each booth will pay a $25.00 booth fee for the three days of the Festival. Each booth is 10ft x 10ft. Tents will be provided unless you would like to use your own. Please specify if you are able to provide your own tables and chairs.

*The deadline for applications is March 17th. Please allow yourself plenty of time to complete the application before the deadline as it will make it easier for us to accommodate you and give your application our fullest attention.

*Please note: Education booths are not allowed to sell items, however, they may hand out free items. If you are interested in selling services or handmade crafts, please check out the commercial service booth or craft vendor application! Please contact us at if any questions arise.

Terms & Conditions

1. I will not participate in cultural appropriation. Specifically, I will not sell objects which hold religious or cultural significance of which I am not a part of (e.g. dream catchers, sage smudge bundles, eagle feathers, headdresses, bindi marks, rosaries, religious garb, etc.); I will not pretend to be of some culture that I am not; I will not in any way denigrate anyone's heritage.

2. I will respect the non-violent philosophy of the Whole Earth Festival. I will be honest in my dealing with people in the WEF community.

3. I agree to open my booth on time (the time arranged and confirmed with education space co-coordinators).

4. I will not distribute (or encourage) weapons or marijuana or CBD or drug paraphernalia at WEF. I will not use lead in items that are meant for food.

5. I understand that should it rain during the festival I will not receive a refund. I understand that if for any reason I cancel or fail to appear, I will not receive a refund.

6. I will abide by the policies of the University of California including fire codes, parking, and insurance regulations. I will not park a vehicle at the Quad except while actively loading or unloading. I will remove my vehicle before setting up.

7. I will not have any fire in my booth space. I will not put any objects in the safety/fire lanes between booths. I will not sublet my booth space.

8. If I break any of these conditions, I understand I may be asked to leave (without refund) and/or be banned from future participation.

Contact Information
First and last name please!
Please put down a phone number that the Education Coordinators may call for day-of Festival logistics.

Education Booth Description

$25.00 Education Booth Fee for Friday, Saturday and Sunday

*All on-campus student organizations are free! As students with limited financial resources, we love the students that get together to educate, empower, and advocate for various issues.

The festival spans Mother's Day weekend (5/12-5/14/23). Let us know what time of day (morning, afternoon, evening) or exact time you'd want set up a booth, lead your activity, or conduct your presentation. Specific requests cannot be guaranteed but will most certainly be considered. Please include date and time (either specific or general) for your request.
Please describe the purpose of your booth, organization, and how you will contribute to our Festival this year.
What category does your booth fall into?*
How would you categorize your session at the Education Space? Choose all that apply.*
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, mp4, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
Please select yes only if you

> are able to set up early, on Thursday evening after 6:00 p.m
> can upload proof of insurance: per University requirements, vehicles must have an auto insurance of $1,000,000 in order to be able to drive onto the quad
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, mp4, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
*please note we are able to provide a maximum of two chairs and tables per applicant

Participation Agreement

Cultural appropriation is the disrespectful or inappropriate (intentional or accidental) adoption of any practice, item, custom, tradition, or idea from a culture/group apart from one's own. This could be wearing a Native American headdress when one is not Native American, wearing an Indian bindi or a sari for aesthetic purposes, or wearing traditional Mexican or Native American clothes as Halloween costumes.

Appropriating another's culture is theft, and the Education Team at WEF requires that all of our applicants are informed that we will not tolerate appropriation of any kind. Any knowledge that is being shared, any practice being participated in shall not usurp any other culture's traditions, practices, or ways of life.

We reserve the right to ask any applicant to leave the Festival if they engage in appropriation of items, practices, activities that are not their own.

We hope to create a safe, inclusive, and memorable space for everyone that comes to our Festival.